Monday, April 16, 2007


I have just submitted our taxes...I know, nothing like waiting until the last minute! I have no idea why I procrastinate with this...luckily we don't normally owe anything, so I really have no excuse. But like most things I do, I seem to work better under pressure of a deadline.

The next deadline I'm impossing on myself is to refinish my craftroom. For those of you that don't know this, Lou has been kind enough to let me have the upstairs spare bedroom as my eternal junk room...or my little piece of heaven. I have my computer and ALL of my crafting supplies, ranging from card making to scrapbooking to knitting and soon to include my new sewing machine mom gave me for Christmas! I've decided to try to complete a home project each month and before April is over, I plan to have a very girly pink room (thank you Amy for the great idea and inspiration)! This means I need to begin the daunting task of going through all of my supplies to decide what stays and what goes. Currently I have piles on the floor and my "organized" chaos isn't looking too good. This is something even I won't take pictures of and admit to! So...hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be posting some proud pictures of my accomplishments...keep your fingers crossed that I don't procrastinate too much longer on this project!

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