Friday, October 12, 2007

My first "tag"...

I must say THANK YOU to VDog for the tag and getting me out of my blogging slump! are 5 things you may not know about me (and quite frankly, may never have wanted to know)! :)

1. I took piano lessons for twelve years and now my piano sits in my dining room with a layer of dust on it...I'm sure my mother has the warm fuzzies when she thinks about her investment and what's become of it!

2. I don't do the whole meat on a bone thing...that means no ribs, chicken wings, etc. I've never really gotten the whole let's chomp on a bone for some meat like cavemen thing. My husband is a total caveman, so I think my resistance to such things is wearing down. I have never minded someone else digging in to hand-held meats, but just prefer to have a fork and knife. (yes, I know, completely retarded)

3. I have lived in five different states in my 31 years on this planet; South Dakota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and now Indiana.

4. I hate feet! If they weren't a necessity to my two-legged existence, I would totally have them removed! :) Lou and I have been together for almost six years and I have just begun to allow him to touch my feet and I will rarely touch his. Yet, for some reason, I have no problems getting pedis done...that's where the whole pampering and pretty toe nails win over my disgust!

5. I have become a Starbucks addict - I can't get enough chai in my life or enough of their yummy ice teas!

Ok, so maybe these are not the most earth shattering. I may need to slowly creep my way up to some shocking steps for now. I am tagging only two people, Amy and Patty. While this may be breaking the rules, I unfortunately don't have 5 other blogging friends - hey, it's Indiana, things come our way a little late! :)

1 comment:

Victoria said...

OMFG, this is hilarious. You know Lou's old dept. mate Eve hates feet too?? We have to wear socks in front of her.

Too funny about the meat on a bone thing. I don't do fish really, and one of the major reasons is ya never know when you're gonna hit a bone! Eek!

Your blog is so charming. :D